1066 Book Awards

The 1066 Book Awards - A report by Jasmine and Mya
On Wednesday 24th of April 2024, 7 Bexhill Academy students, Yasmin, Leah, Mya, Ben, Francesca, Aiden and Summer visited Hastings Academy on a trip for the final event of the 1066 School Book Awards.
The students have been reading the four chosen books over the past 5 months. The books were ‘Smart, by Kim Slater’, ‘My Survival a Girl on Schindler’s List, by Rena Finder’, ‘The Haunting of Aveline Jones, by Phil Hickes’ and ‘My Brother Ben, by Peter Carnavas’.
There were competitions that we took part in; best book review, redesigning the book cover, drawing your favourite character and photos of being ‘caught reading in funny places.’
All of the schools taking part entered these competitions, and we enjoyed looking at the other entries.
When the event began, representatives from each school read an excerpt from one of the books, and we watched videos from the authors. Some students read their book reviews and then the prizewinners were announced. Francesca, year 8, won the redesigning a book cover for ‘A Girl on Schindlers List’. (see below)
Finally, the winning book was announced.
The winning book was ‘The Haunting of Aveline Jones’.
Hastings Academy supplied a lovey buffet with great food and drink.
Then we had photos taken and were all given a free book.
We had a lovely time and enjoyed catching up with old friends and talking about the books.
We all agreed that we would definitely like to take part in the 1066 School’s Book Awards again next year.
Message from Mrs McKay.
Our amazing students were a credit to the Academy. They were all very polite and showed an interest in the other schools work. They definitely enjoyed the buffet!
They have all fully engaged with the book awards. Our weekly book group was always well attended and were often full of lively debates about the books and their characters.
The brilliant entries for the book award competitions can be seen in the library.
All the books are available to borrow from the library as well.