South Coast Rowing Championships 2024

South Coast Rowing Championships 2024
On Saturday 14th September 2024, Digby C (year 10), Noah L (year 10) and Lorcan H (year 8), took part in the South Coast Rowing Championships in Southampton.
We all rowed together in the same boat, competing in the Junior 4’s open race. It was our first time competing at the championships and we were rowing against many more experienced junior crews. We didn’t place into the final but we managed to keep up with our competitors and were proud of our efforts on the day.
We also cheered on our Bexhill teammates in their races and my brother Byron and his crew placed a fantastic 3rd in the Junior men’s championship race, beating crews from 2 different leagues.
At the awards ceremony, I was fortunate enough to meet Olympic rowing bronze medallist Matt Aldridge, who presented the prizes. It was inspirational to meet someone doing my sport at such a high level and I even got to wear his bronze medal!
It was a great day for Bexhill rowing club and a real day to remember.
Digby C
Year 10