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Children Looked After

At Bexhill Academy, we are very lucky to have a Keyworker for looked after children, alongside the designated teacher. Miss Holdsworth works closely with students throughout the academy who are in care. Mr Eldridge is also another point of contact for our students. 

To contact Miss Holdsworth please email her:

To Contact Mr Eldridge please email him:


Meet Miss Holdsworth 

Hello everyone, my name is Denni Holdsworth, and I am the Keyworker for looked after children at Bexhill Academy. What does my role include? I am the key adult in school for CLA students, carers and social workers. I lead PEP meetings, attend My Voice Matters meetings (if the young person would like me there), annual reviews for EHCP students and LAC reviews. I carry out learning walks to ensure my students are getting the right support in lessons. I mentor my students weekly and my door is always open if they need/want a chat.



Helpful Resources 

Foster carer support resources -

Young children in foster care resources -

What people say about us:

"Thank you, we are extremely grateful for the staff's time and efforts to organise all the community events you host."

"Bexhill Academy is a great school that listens to parents and takes appropriate action."

"I love going to school here, the staff are great and I get lots of opportunities to do things I am good at."

"An amazing supportive school! "

"Great support from the school to get our kids through their exams. Really going above and beyond. "

"Thank you to all of the staff who have put on after-school or extra revision sessions. They have been really beneficial. The commitment to support students get through their GCSEs is amazing!"