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Home/Remote Learning

At Bexhill Academy, we believe that high-quality home learning, completed independently by our students outside the timetabled curriculum, has a strong positive impact on their progress.

It helps our students reach their full potential and develop into flexible, independent learners capable of managing the demands of future working life.

We are so committed to this belief that the tasks we set are designed for our students to learn at home, not just work at home. This distinction is why we use the term Home Learning alongside Homework.

Benefits of Home Learning

  • Supports the high-quality learning our students receive in the classroom.
  • Consolidates and extends knowledge covered in lessons.
  • Prepares our students for new learning activities.
  • Develops our students' independent learning and study skills.
  • Encourages personal research and curiosity.
  • Enhances key skills such as time management, organisation, and self-motivation.
  • Promotes student ownership and responsibility for their learning.
  • Fosters parental support and engagement.
  • Strengthens home-school communication.
  • Encourages a love of learning for its own sake.

Setting on Edulink

Home Learning will be set in a variety of ways or on a variety of platforms; Google Classroom, paper copies, Seneca, Hegarty Maths etc. depending on what is most suitable.

However, in order for it to be a clear task for students and parents/carers to see, it will always be signposted on EduLink.

Students will be awarded positive and negative points for the submission of their Home Learning. All of these, as well as the tasks set, can be viewed from the EduLink parent app. 

Key Stage 3

Students will be provided with Home Learning weekly in the following subjects:

English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, and Languages

Home Learning tasks should last approximately 30 minutes. Any longer activities or tasks will be broken down into smaller accessible chunks to support students.

In all other subjects, students will be provided with home learning twice per term.

Homework Schedule 

Key Stage 4

Students will be provided with home learning weekly in all subjects:

English, Maths, Science, and in each of their option subjects

Home Learning tasks should last approximately 30-45 minutes. Any longer activities or tasks will be broken down into smaller accessible chunks to support students.

Homework Club

There are support sessions that run in the library after school each day for all students 3:00pm -4:00pm. This is a great opportunity for your child to get their home learning done with extra support if needed.  

Many departments also offer their own subject specific clubs, speak to your child’s subject teacher for more information on these.


Support Links and Guidance

10 top tips for helping your child with homework

Getting the most out of Home Learning


What people say about us:

"Thank you, we are extremely grateful for the staff's time and efforts to organise all the community events you host."

"Bexhill Academy is a great school that listens to parents and takes appropriate action."

"I love going to school here, the staff are great and I get lots of opportunities to do things I am good at."

"An amazing supportive school! "

"Great support from the school to get our kids through their exams. Really going above and beyond. "

"Thank you to all of the staff who have put on after-school or extra revision sessions. They have been really beneficial. The commitment to support students get through their GCSEs is amazing!"